Business cooperation

A platform focused on different forms of business cooperation

An Israeli manufacturer of high-performance customer-specific robots for the plastic industry is searching for distributers1. júna 2021

An Israeli manufacturer of high-performance customer-specific robots for the plastic industry is searching for distributers

An Israeli company with 20 years of expertise in developing and delivering quality automated solutions for the plastic industry, mainly in near mold automation is now looking for new customers. Company is considering cooperation through...
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A Japanese software developper is offering its orthodontical medical analysis software for licensing to EU companies20. januára 2019

A Japanese software developper is offering its orthodontical medical analysis software for licensing to EU companies

A Japanese company specializing in medical analysis software is offering to license out its image diagnosis software for the orthodontics sector. The software allows users to identify the cephalometric points that are used in orthodontic...
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Silná značka nápojů a potravinTyp: Investiční příležitost, Zhodnocení: 6-8% + možný bonus, Obor: Potravinářství

Silná značka nápojů a potravin

Potravinářství je jedním z nejvýnosnějších a nejzajímavějších oborů, je-li značka úspěšná. Unikátní koncept připravované potravinářské značky zaměřené na nápoje, pochutiny a v další fázi i vybrané spotřební zboží, se může během několika let stát...
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